Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

Hi, this weekend was full of ups, and downs, but mostly ups. Let's start from Friday, and work our way through this weekend.
Soooooo, liiikkkeeee, shit it was kinda all a blur.
Friday night I ended up going out to dinner with my friend, a couple tommys margs, and a banquet, we were off to a ripper start! I kept it pretty low-key because I knew I had to be up early to film with Boyd.
Saturday morning and the roosters are firing up (the sound of bass from the Newstead gyms) I get up, hit Salt for a coffee, and a chill before the run club gets there and turns it into their party, head back home, grab my camera gear, hop in my car, puts Larry June on, sunroof open, and I'm fucking off G.

(Ring Ring) It's Boyd. "Bigz bad news its voting day and the spots are a complete fucking write off"
What the fuck are we going to do? The last couple of weekends left, and we need a couple last clips. I quickly turn around and race upstairs to watch the video to see what broll I need and begin to write visions into my notes. I'm now back on the road sunroof open again, you know the fucking drill.
Pizzy skatepark was the chosen meeting spot for a warmup and then we headed over to the biggest bust UNI, Bond. We roll in and clearly know we have 5 minutes if we are lucky. I think we got like 3 minutes, in fact, the security was heading towards us when we were just walking in. It was on baby, Boyd just ran up hit it, a bit sketchy, ran back up, bang, landed it, and then the white shirt seccy was right there in our face. Pretty cool huh? Duh. So after that, we go for some B-ROLL shots, which turned out shit and won't be getting used.

So, the V8 supercars are in town down the Gold Coast, and Boyds got to be there showing face, doing meet and greets, hot laps, drifting, helicopters, boats, you name he did it yesterday.
A vision popped into my head, and I messaged my people, Boyd messaged his people, and the next minute I had an all-access ticket to document Boyd living life, and with all that thank you to Mike over at Monster, and the team over at Boost, you guys are awesome, and I'm super grateful for getting to experience all that stuff yesterday.

So yeah, I'm there with Boyd, camera strapped ready. First up a hot lap around the track to get the blood flowing... this is like 7am... VRROOOOMM I'm not really crazy about cars but fuck, I wouldn’t mind a Porsche, or a V8 Supercar now.
I think it would be like 8am by now, and I roll up with Boyd to the Boost stand, get handed a VIP pass, and I'm in the pits with unlimited drinks like ok this is happening...
9am hits, Boyd and I are on live television, I've never been on live television before, so that was nice.
10:30am we head to the chopper, like I said the guys over at Boost really hooked it up for me to film Boyd and yeah we need helicopter footage for this part.

12pm! We got to now show Monster Energy some love, and Boyd is yelling at me to hurry up because he was late to the signing due to the chopper running behind schedule... We get to the Monster stand, Boyd runs to the stand to meet up with Kieran Woolley, and 8 MONSTER ENERGY GIRLS and starts dancing, and chucking merch at everyone... for me, I loved to see it. I went back in the crowd to shoot photos of people just being so fucking hyped and dancing and having a great fucking time, this went on for about 20 minutes, and then it was photo time and back to the Boost Lounge.

This is where it gets a bit wobble guts.
I'm now in the Boost Lounge sinking tins with Boyd and Kieran... fast forward a few hours and we are off and racing baby.
I know everyone in the Boost Lounge was some mad dog, I met a bunch of awesome people and the vibes were high... obviously, we wanted the Monster team to win, but things didn't go their way and Redbull guys just had the wings, and some other bloke in a loud car, but next years our year! I might even hit Bathurst next year, cop some merch, who knows.

6pm something!
Afterparty, this is really when everyone can just let their hair down, and have a good time. Yep, that's a backflip on a jet ski in a pool.
Now you see I started early and then completely stopped drinking because I had to get my ass back to Brisbane, but I get excited and I wanted to have a mad yap with everyone and just chill. I kept ordering a Red Bull in a short glass so it looked like I was getting blind on vodka Redbulls with the boysssssssssss. It's just easier to look like you're drinking in the Australian culture.

Now we have athletes, rockstars, and a bunch of Boost Babes, and I noticed the table got lifted very quickly!
We all hit the dance floor to watch ILLY, he's jamming away, the crew is bopping I'm in there bopping, the cute Canadian girl behind the bar asked for my Instagram, and if I didn't have work in the morning I would be on the moon right now... and this blog wouldn’t be getting typed up with all the shit you’re still reading.

So yeah, we had a mad day, to say the least, and I'm editing what I got yesterday already and it's got me pretty hyped that this idea came to life.
Thank you Boyd for being the maddest!
if you’re reading this all the crew over at Boost Mobile, Mike from Monster, thanks for letting me film a snippet of what Boyd has been getting up to since the Xgames Gold came home... Till next week, keep it real, much love.
Live, Laugh, Love