Da Earth Says Hello

Freak On A Leash
There's something about being in the city doing hop bars around cool buildings and weird people that I just love!
After having a much-needed slow morning around Newstead, hitting coffee shops, and hanging out with my annoying friend Hayley and her beautiful cats (Barney and Marshall) it was time to get this show on the road and give the people what they want.
I decided to ride from my place into the city meet everyone in front of the old Casino, and choose where to go from there.
The boys rocked up at about 12:30pm after getting stuck in the Lux lag, basically what that is, is you turn up at Lux BMX at about 10am, and you usually don't leave till it shuts. (or in the Valley days, when Rics shut.)
First things first, Spenny just pulls out this Banh Mi from his back pocket and absolutely destroys it, with Raph copping a bite to see if it is good... I am telling you this thing was squashed and as flat as a brand-new Goosebumps book, but no one gave a fuck because, if you don't eat the streets, the streets will eat you. (Put that as your motivational quote in your bathroom)

As the warm-up started for the boys, there was tiles getting popped, and box jumps getting dropped.
It's no secret that I love filming in the city around big buildings and whatnot, so even a barspin over the massive box jump in my eyes was cool. I grabbed my movie maker and got to work with Kyle shooting the bars, and then the 180 bars easy. Before I knew it, there was a crowd forming around watching us, and even a bunch of people out with their cameras shooting us do us... I hope I magically find their Instagram page and find the pics they took.

Embrace The Journey
After a magical start to the session, it was time to hit the streets and bite some ears off.
Raph showed me this rail, I think I have looked at it before back in the day, but now we are pro enough to hit it, well we went there and Raph fucking hit it. BUSSS!
Little fence hop, make-shift ladder and I had my spot to film it... Second go Raph bangs on down it and then rides off into the sunset, comes back for some high-fives and knuckles, and then we jump back over the fence and head to the showgrounds.

Good Cop, Bad Cop

Probably not the smartest idea to head to the showgrounds after The Ekka, but we are a bunch of bad boys trying to make an honest living.
Straight off the bat, Kyle was trying this clip that we need to go back for... This Security lady came straight out waving her hands in the air saying get out, acting like a fool... and then being a bit scared of my tatties that she backed off and called for backup.
Nek minute this lovely girl comes out, (no pictures were taken of her to protect her identity) I'm going to say mid-twenties with her hi-vis security vest on... lovely and as calm as you could be. "Hey guys you can't do that here, unfortunately, we have a function on but have three goes at it"
Lovely, this is what we need more of! We get it! We are fucking thugs destroying the property of hard-earned taxpayers. She stands up top counting Kyle down. "One, two down champion, oh three unlucky, come back another time" We had a little chat while I packed my camera up and she told me to go check out this other spot that she wasn't in charge of, and off we went. "Bye babe, have a lovely day" As we rode off looking for the bottle shop.
Bottle Shop Lunch Queens

Now, we started late, and it was way past lunchtime and these streets made us thirsty!
There were two choices, bottle shop for the big kids, and 7/11 for the little kids... AKA ME.
I was hungry and decided to go with a can of Vanilla Coke and two Krispy Creme doughnuts, I looked over to Heckers Deckers, and he picked himself up a combo, I think it was a chicken wrap and a Redbull. Now I can't really crap on about the price of 7/11 as we are paying for the convenience of this being open for 24 HOURS!

So after a quick refuel, we ended up going back to a different part of the showgrounds and getting about 30 mins of fucking around, during which we ended up getting one pretty sick clip of Marty, till he got a flat and the security turned up... Once again for today, mad dawg seccy, he got it, he knew we were out to stack money and he respected the hustle. We then left cool calm, and respectfully.
Since we were in the Bowen Hills area, we bombed on down to my part of town where a bunch of new buildings have been built and some new spots have popped up. I'm getting a bit bored of all this typing now, I need to edit some footage and get out in this fucking SUN G.

I'm going to wrap this bitch up now.
We did a lot, we rode all around, up and down, webefilming on the ground.
I was never really good in school, I just thought about BMX and only really liked my Music class which I got an A, and was second in the class. So I've had enough of typing... I am going to leave you with a last little quote for the day and a link to a video I helped film last month for Colony BMX.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Ekka babe sounds deadly Bigz
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